LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships
The world's leading relationship guide for women and men, LovePanky is dedicated to changing romance and relationships for the better.
When to Leave a Relationship? 29 Honest Signs It’s Time
No relationship is perfect. There are ups and downs, arguments, and falls out. But that doesn’t mean everything is going wrong. It’s important to keep things in perspective and know when you’re just going through a bit of a rough patch, versus when it’s time to leave a relationship.
25 Secrets, Signs & Steps to Repair and Fix a Marriage that
6. Improve Communication. Effective communication is the cornerstone of any strong relationship. Practice expressing your thoughts and feelings openly.
LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships
Flirt. Tease. Fall in Love. The honest guide to self-improvement, dating, love and relationships, for couples, singles and every other stage in between.
Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships - LovePanky
The women’s guide to better love and relationships. Whether it’s about understanding men, your friends or just yourself, we’ve got it all covered here.
Falling Out of Love: Why It Happens, Reasons & 35 Signs to See It …
1. An outside force is causing constant problems; 2. You feel bored a lot of the time; 3. You don't really think about them when you're apart; 4. Intimacy is dwindling
Boundaries in a Relationship: 43 Healthy Dating Rules You
In order to have a healthy relationship, you need to know how to set boundaries. And this includes both your personal ones as well as a couple.
24 Signs You’re Loving Someone Too Much & Why Being Madly
1. Spend time apart; 2. Schedule “you” days; 3. Keep in touch with friends; 4. Never give up your hobbies; 5. Communicate with your partner well; 6.
31 Important Things You Should Know About Your Girlfriend
Is your girlfriend a fitness enthusiast, a casual exerciser, or more laid-back about physical activity? Understanding her approach to health and fitness can help you support her in her wellness journey, whether it’s joining her in workouts, cooking healthy meals together, or …
I Need a Hug: 25 Things to Do that Offer Emotional Comfort
11. Go out to eat with friends. Combining great food with even better people will be sure to lift your spirits. Not only will the yummy food make you feel better, but laughing and joking with friends will distract you, too. [Read: 50 crazy and impulsive things to do with friends you won’t ever forget] 12.