Forza Horizon 5 is coming to the PS5! Microsoft continues to switch to Sony's platform - clever move and the beginning of the ...
The PS5 Pro in black - a real beast. Why? Because it is more than just a new design. It is a statement that Sony could have made right from the start. A design decision that perfectly reflects the ...
More games on PlayStation and Nintendo, a focus on the future of handhelds and a strategy that redefines gaming across ...
There is an undeniable trend in the video game industry that is becoming more and more noticeable - the constant effort to cater to the needs of every marginalized group, no matter how small ...
With "Eternal Strands" brings the newly founded studio Yellow Brick Games is making its eagerly awaited debut on the market. The game combines familiar gameplay elements and draws inspiration from ...
Microsofts Multiplattform-Strategie: Geniestreich oder Identitätsverlust? Ex-PlayStation-Manager Adam Boyes lobt Xbox' Wandel ...
Xbox-Exklusivität bröckelt: Nach Forza und möglicherweise Halo deutet nun alles auf Perfect Dark für PS5 hin. Microsoft öffnet die Schleusen – was kommt als Nächstes?
Gears of War auf PS5? Gerüchte verdichten sich: Eine plattformübergreifende Collection mit Crossplay könnte kommen.
Feiert das Lunare Erwachen: Entdeckt mächtige Schreine, verdient die Gunst der Ahnen und erhaltet exklusive Belohnungen – ein ...