Asia Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association suggests implementing block trades in Stock Connect programme.
As more English words enter the Korean language, linguists are fighting back – but finding alternatives to ‘asap’ and ...
But poll by AmCham in southern China still finds weakened confidence and concerns surrounding bilateral trade tensions with ...
Consortium plans to give the former trade and exhibition centre a new lease of life following its permanent closure in June.
Medical breakthroughs which for more than two decades lengthened human lifespans have been offset by physical inactivity and ...
Ocean Infinity’s operation focuses on four hotspots off Australian coast where researchers believe the wreck would most ...
Team’s new quasi-quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) protocol ‘offers a unique method to detect eavesdropping online’.
Putin said he could not speak for China but Russia ‘could come to an agreement with the US [on cutting spending], we’re not ...
The win by a team of two reigning Olympic champions and two World Cup winners comes a day after Chinese 1-2 finishes in the ...
Japan and the Philippines agreed on Monday to further deepen defence ties in the face of an “increasingly severe” security ...
Firm receives reprimand from authorities for threatening to impose sanctions on unmarried staff, forces single employees into ...
Chinese and Taiwanese companies will invest nearly US$300 billion overseas, while those from South Korea will funnel US$200 billion.