The War of the Rohirrim,” an anime prequel to the beloved film trilogy, is a visually lush diversion crafted with undeniable care. It’s also a profoundly cynical example of so much that’s wrong with ...
It’s a discombobulating experience, after a “Lord of the Rings” trilogy that was built, down to every frame and hobbit hair, for the big screen, to see something so comparatively minor, small-scaled ...
There’s a lot of possibilities, when you look at it, there’s a lot of things in there, says the producer of new release ‘War ...
For a project that exists out of pure legal obligation to retain some movie rights, I was surprised the movie had some ...
While War of the Rohirrim seems set to make a great first impression, there's a chance that it could be a death knell for ...
By utilizing the advantage of the medium, The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim is going to make up for the ...
The War of the Rohirrim set to release in a few days, fans are wondering about its timeline and where it fits in the LoTR ...
Tolkien’s famed fantasy universe are going to experience some of its lore in a whole new way when the prequel The Lord of the ...
No elves, no dwarves, and not a hobbit in sight: “The Lord of the Rings” returns to the big screen this month with a new ...
Aragorn is slated to appear in spin-off film The Hunt for Gollum, so cross your fingers the actor will reprise his character.
Good news Lord of the Rings fans, the opening scenes of the upcoming animated movie The Lord of the Rings: The War of the ...
The War Of The Rohirrim, an upcoming anime fantasy movie, gets two returning cast members from the Peter Jackson franchise.