The War of the Rohirrim,” an anime prequel to the beloved film trilogy, is a visually lush diversion crafted with undeniable care. It’s also a profoundly cynical example of so much that’s wrong with ...
Moana 2 and Wicked are expected to holdover quite well with respectively $28M and $20M, -45% a piece, while two incoming fanboy movies fall apart: Sony Marvel's $110M extended Spider-verse Kraven the ...
Warner Bros. Animation’s new Lord of the Rings anime film is everything that’s disappointing about IP cash grabs.
The War of the Rohirrim is an anime fantasy film directed by Kenji Kamiyama. It serves as a prequel to Jackson's LOTR series.
In addition to Wicked, here's what is playing in Northern and Central Vermont movie theaters this week. Listings include new ...
It’s a discombobulating experience, after a “Lord of the Rings” trilogy that was built, down to every frame and hobbit hair, ...
What will be the winners and the losers this week at the U.S. box office? Walt Disney Studios’ “Moana 2” continued shattering ...
While War of the Rohirrim seems set to make a great first impression, there's a chance that it could be a death knell for ...
The War of the Rohirrim set to release in a few days, fans are wondering about its timeline and where it fits in the LoTR ...
Tolkien’s famed fantasy universe are going to experience some of its lore in a whole new way when the prequel The Lord of the ...
Sound familiar? That's because the story of Helm Hammerhand is basically the prototype for The Two Towers ' Battle of Helm's ...
No elves, no dwarves, and not a hobbit in sight: “The Lord of the Rings” returns to the big screen this month with a new ...