New Ulm American Legion Post 132 netted several hundred hungry diners Friday during the 29th Annual Fish Fry. Fish fry ...
Are you hungry for some homemade food that will not hurt your wallet? S.D. Kitchen on Wynn Avenue in Beech Creek may be what ...
The 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War Commemoration Commemorative Partner Committee and Adena American Legion Post 525 will honor Vietnam veterans and their surviving spouses for their roles in the ...
Like a platoon of dedicated servicewomen, members of a local high school art club saw what needed to be done and then did it.
The 63-year-old, who served in the army from 1979 to 2001, said: "My mum passed away, I separated from my wife, moved in with ...
Hartlepool Poppy Appeal has passed an incredible £1 million milestone under organiser Sian Cameron after she took on the role ...
LILBOURN, Mo. (KFVS) - The effort to arrest a 52-year-old man in not one, but two stolen valor cases began inside a local VFW hall. William Clark is originally from Tallapoosa, in New Madrid County.
Volunteers held a rally in front of the American Legion on Bull Street Friday afternoon. The rally was to help veterans and ...
Witnesses said American Airlines crew members thought Delange Augustin was having a seizure, but his sister said it was 'a ...
Borough police officers and the state police vice unit arrested two Dunmore residents Wednesday after they sold methamphetamine to a confidential informant, according to a criminal complaint. Jaime ...
In a week when head coach Tayyiba Haneef-Park received the highest honor in the sport, the San Diego Mojo are hitting the key ...
A Delaware County man is headed to prison for shooting and seriously wounding another man during a Memorial Day disturbance ...