Hokejisti Los Angeles Kings so v NHL prvič v sezoni nanizali tri zmage. Njihova tretja žrtev je bila Ottawa, ki je v Los ...
Alex Laferriere, Kevin Fiala, Anže Kopitar, Adrian Kempe and Trevor Moore all scored in the Kings 5-2 win over the Senators.
Hokejisti Los Angeles Kings so v severnoameriški profesionalni ligi NHL prvič v sezoni nanizali tri zmage. Njihova tretja ...
The Los Angeles Kings have picked up back-to-back wins after defeating the Winnipeg Jets and the Anaheim Ducks. The season ...
Anaheim, 30. novembra - Hokejisti Los Angeles Kings so sinoči v severnoameriški ligi NHL v gosteh z 2:1 premagali Anaheim Ducks. Slovenski zvezdnik Anže Kopitar se tokrat v 20:41 minute na ledu ni ...
Los Angeles, 28. novembra - Hokejisti Los Angeles Kings so v severnoameriški hokejski ligi NHL doma s 4:1 nadigrali Winnipeg Jets. Slovenski kapetan zmagovitih gostiteljev Anže Kopitar je v 18 minutah ...
Alex Laferriere scores the tiebreaking goal early in the third period and Portillo makes 28 saves, as the Kings take the ...
The Kings outscored the Jets 4-1 to claim the victory as they snapped the NHL's best record of the 2024-25 season.
The Kings, who have outscored opponents 11-4 during their run, gave up 13 goals in losing all three games to the Stars last ...
Hokejisti Los Angelesa so se v noči na soboto v Ligi NHL razveselili 13. zmage v sezoni. V Anaheimu so tamkajšnje Duckse ...
Hokejisti Los Angeles Kings so na gostovanju pri kalifornijskem tekmecu Anaheim Ducks vknjižili 13. zmago sezono, veselili so ...
There’s a clear divide between the playoff teams and the bottom feeders in the Pacific Division. Oh, and then there’s the ...