"Investigation Alien," a Netflix docuseries released this month that follows UFO journalist George Knapp through his ...
Witches, war and tennis are just parts of some of the best movies this year. Showcasing dynamic sports, seceding states and ...
There are slimmer sci-fi pickings than usual at the end of the year, but gems can still be found, whether that’s a visit to ...
Alyx, released in 2020, represents a quantum leap forward in virtual reality graphics. While VR games have often lagged ...
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Blue and Green Alien Makeup
This video showcases a bold and otherworldly transformation with blue and green alien-inspired makeup, blending striking ...
These 7 whimsical spots in Ohio feature animatronic displays that bring characters and scenes to life. Each destination is ...
Photo: A Texas National Guardsman stands on a shipping container acting as a border barrier next to the U.S.–Mexico border in ...
Over the Thanksgiving holiday, residents in Dallas, Galveston, Abilene and Houston all reported seeing the same hovering ...
Aurora Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky said during the meeting that she was willing to “throw money” at the police department ...
Senate Bill 72 would also develop a “Missouri Illegal Alien Certified Bounty Hunter Program,” which would certify people to ...
Skeleton Crew has just premiered on Disney+ and we are explaining the connection between the new series and Disney Parks ...
Arrow Video is set to unleash Mathilda May’s Space Girl in 4K Ultra HD this coming February with the release of a new limited ...