AHF is using an imposing image of a bottle of penicillin and a syringe and needle paired with the words “Syphilis is Curable” and the URL freeSTDcheck.org to draw attention to the importance of ...
Methods: This retrospective observational study included 17 patients (33 eyes) with NSAOA who received standard anti-ocular syphilis treatment. LogMAR (logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution) ...
Amid a declared provincial outbreak of Syphilis and following two years of climbing cases in the Interior, numbers remained relatively steady from 2023 to 2024. For all of Interior Health ...
Intermediate uveitis refers to inflammation that primarily ... type 1 (HTLV-1), cat-scratch disease (Bartonella species), syphilis, tuberculosis and hepatitis C, leptospirosis, brucellosis ...
Figure 6 Retinal photograph from an HIV-positive patient who presented with severe uveitis due to syphilis. This picture after treatment of his syphilis shows healed chorioretinitis with a “salt and ...
Eye lymphoma, also called ocular lymphoma, is a type of eye cancer. It is the most common type of malignant eye tumor. The condition may cause eye redness or decreased vision, and it can advance to ...
Of particular concern among these infections is syphilis. Despite being both preventable and curable, syphilis rates have been rising in recent years. Between 2018 and 2023, infectious syphilis cases ...
The syphilis pathogen, Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum, can now be cultivated in vitro using cottontail rabbit skin cells, eliminating the need for laboratory animals.
Sexually transmitted infections are rising in Europe, especially gonorrhea and syphilis, among younger adults. But one STI has seen a huge drop in cases, and scientists don't know why. https://p ...
Uveitis can lead to serious eye problems if you don’t treat it right away. If you’ve had it for a long time, or if you have it and are over 60, your chance of having those problems goes up.