Pri tréningu získavania puku Juraj Slafkovský poriadne pritvrdil na Patrika Laineho. Jeho zvýšená agresivita spôsobila, že fínsky útočník spadol ...
Ruský hokejista Alexander Ovečkin sa na ceste za prekonaním rekordu legendárneho Waynea Gretzkého v počte strelených gólov v NHL rozhodol pomôcť ...
Since the launch of The Crossword in 1942, The Times has captivated solvers by providing engaging word and logic games. In 2014, we introduced The Mini Crossword — followed by Spelling Bee ...
By Cade Metz The new technology, called GPT-4.5, signifies the end of an era for OpenAI. By Cade Metz I’m not a programmer. But I’ve been creating my own software tools with help from ...
Find out all about Surprise Stadium, the Spring Training home to the Texas Rangers and Kansas City Royals. Don't miss your Rangers in action this Spring at Surprise Stadium! Keep up with the the ...