Hokejisti Buffala Sabres zvíťazili v nočnom zápase NHL nad Nashvillom Predators 4:3. O 2 góly sa postaral 20-ročný český ...
Let’s go back to the start of the entry draft era in 1979 and see how many top picks can compete with Hall’s growing jersey ...
Útočníci Juraj Slafkovský, Martin Pospíšil a Tomáš Tatar sa postarali o veľkolepú slovenskú noc, keď spoločne získali až 5 ...
New York 29. januára (TASR) - Slovenský hokejista Juraj Slafkovský strelil v noci na stredu svoj ôsmy gól v prebiehajúcej sezóne NHL, jeho Montreal však podľahol Winnipegu 1:4. Bol to jeho štvrtý pres ...
Slovenský hokejista Juraj Slafkovský strelil v noci na stredu svoj ôsmy ... Brankári: Wolf - Thompson, strely na bránku: 33:29. Vegas Golden Knights – Dallas Stars 3:4 pp (2:1, 1:1, 0:1 - 0:1) Góly: 2 ...
The Dallas Stars have inched ever closer in recent weeks to the top of the Central Division, and were looking to notch another two points on Tuesday night against the Vegas Golden Knights.
Minnesota has been hot despite dealing with numerous injuries, and Colorado is ever-dangerous right on the heels of the Stars. Having reached second place for the first time since October, Dallas ...
The Stars sit second in the Central Division with 63 points and a 31-17-1 record. They only have three more losses than first-place Winnipeg but trail them by eight points in the standings.