The Apexel 36X Telephoto Lens Kit opens up a wide range of new subjects to the smartphone user, making it a useful purchase ...
Tuesday marks five years since the start of the health crisis that prompted lockdowns and shutdowns in New Jersey and across the globe. March 11, 2020 was the day the World Health Organization ...
Coxon and seasoned musician Rose Elinor Dougall are set to perform as the cinematic rock and post-punk duo, The Waeve, as part of the Out of Time Festival ... Coxon is uncertain about Blur’s future ...
Queen Serene has been playing rough ’n’ ready indie rock since around 2020; both bands split a 7-inch late last year. In the middle is the almighty Water Damage, currently on the cover of ...
Until a new federal government is in place, the police will have to make savings throughout Austria. Now they are fearing for the music association. Salzburg's police director Bernhard Rausch does ...
While you might have blurred out a background or sharpened a little to save a slightly misfocused shot, there’s more to sharpening and blurring than you may have considered. In this article, we’ll ...
Dallas rapper Dorrough Music, who wrote and performed a song for the Mavericks in a video released Friday, has apologized for the apparent choice to blur out former guard Luka Dončić.