ENTERTAINMENT: Discover a variety of events, from winter festivities to heartwarming community service opportunities, that ...
A nativity scene featuring baby Jesus wrapped in a keffiyeh was unveiled at Pope Francis’ Nativity Scene and Christmas Tree ...
Baby Jesus may be the most famous holiday baby (he has that whole original-Christmas-nativity-scene thing going for him), but ...
A talented woman of the Catholic faith, Rosalie Underwood’s version of the Holy Family was the first of numerous figurines she created for my Nativity members each Christmas. The heralding angel.
While the Biden administration proclaims “a season of Light and Peace” as the theme of its Christmas celebrations this year and thousands gathered in Washington on December 5 to view the lighting ...
The 'Christmas Voices' Christmas program will be held at the Family Life Center at the First Baptist Church of Odem, located ...
Abbas wished Pope Francis well ahead of Christmas, while urging churches around the world to mention "the suffering of the Palestinian people." ...
Although the Vaughan Baptist Church drive-thru live Nativity scene has only been around for a few years, it has already ...
A Nativity Scene in Bethlehem with Baby Jesus' crib draped in a Palestinian kaffiyeh, displayed at the Vatican.
“Do not fear” has too often been translated into the American ideology of “happily ever after.” But in context, it was spoken ...
The public is invited to see hundreds of Nativity displays at the "Oh Tidings of Comfort and Joy: Christmas Crèches from ...
Carol Russell's mother was 4 when she was a cherub in First Reformed Church's first Nativity pageant in 1924. This year is ...