Diabetes threatens more than just blood sugar levels - discover the major body systems at risk and how to recognize warning ...
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) AMD is a common eye condition that happens as you get older. It affects the macula, ...
An untreated (i.e., missed ... The two most important factors in the development of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment are retinal breaks and vitreous traction. The two goals of retinal ...
With segmental scleral buckling, pars plana vitrectomy, or pneumatic retinopexy, an untreated retinal break ... the development of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment are retinal breaks and vitreous ...
If left untreated, it can lead to permanent vision ... Does having a PVD increase your risk of retina tear and retina detachment? Yes. Due to the gel pulling away from the retina, there is ...
Untreated, severe “dry eye” can lead ... In some cases, PVD can lead to a retinal tear or detachment, which requires immediate treatment. The vitreous can stick to the retina and pull on ...
Marking Marfan Awareness month, OT heard from the Marfan Trust about the ocular manifestations of the rare condition ...
Clear vision is what allows us to experience the world in vivid detail and navigate our daily lives with ease. But there are hundreds of eye diseases, from common conditions such as cataracts ...