The Animation tells the same story of the extremely popular video game, but in anime format. Here's where you can stream it ...
Kasumi's confidant is easily the most unique confidant in Persona 5 Royal as it requires a specific set of instructions to ...
If you're looking to increase your bond with Ann Takamaki, our Persona 5 Royal: Lovers Confidant Guide has all the ...
Good Smile Company announced a new line of Persona 5 Royal merchandise featuring bags that look like Joker and Akechi's ...
Leveling up in Persona 5 Royal is necessary for the Phantom Thieves if they plan on stealing hearts - here are some ways to ...
Persona 5 Royal is the definitive way to enjoy Atlus ... helping them get immersed in the role of Joker as they live the life of a regular high-school student while moonlighting as a member ...
Persona 5 Royal has that in spades. Joker, Ryuji, Ann, Morgana, Yusuke, and the rest of the crew all have their moments in the sun as individuals, but you love them even more as they grow ...
The promotional image for the Persona 5 Royal and Persona 5: The Phantom X Sweets Paradise cafe shows ten characters in total. From Royal, we have: Joker, Morgana, Ryuji, Ann, and Yusuke.
With a little bit of setup, players can make millions of Yen in minutes in Persona 5 Royal; here's how to do it. Since players can only use Joker and three other Phantom Thieves in battle ...