BACKGROUND Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) commonly presents with motor weakness and neurological symptoms and signs that include loss of tendon reflexes. However, patients with GBS also experience ...
There is little warning before the paralysis. There may be tingling and peculiar pricking sensations over one half of the ...
It occurs due to damage to the facial nerve (the 7th cranial nerve). Pain and discomfort are typically felt on one side of the face or head. Symptoms typically begin to improve within a few weeks, ...
Daw, 25, heads to Dallas this week for intricate surgery to address idiopathic condylar resorption, a degenerative and ...
Various combinations of these cranial nerve palsies may occur ... Almost 50 years ago Tolosa2 reported a patient with left orbital pain, ipsilateral progressive visual loss, total left ophthalmoplegia ...
Researchers at the Center for Life Sciences at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI have for the first time identified structural ...
It works by switching off nociceptors in the peripheral nervous system, and therefore preventing pain signals getting to the brain. This represents a potential new breakthrough in a world which has ...
The pooled prevalence of chronic painful neuropathy is 41.22% among individuals with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN).
Are you in pain from an accident, injury, surgery, repetitive movement pattern or poor posture? Does your pain shift and move ...
You've heard massaging it can relieve stress—now experts have found the 27 million U.S. autoimmune sufferers could find ...