Advisers to the Russian leader have been surprised by the sudden change in tone from the White House in recent weeks.
Three months into Vladimir Putin’s new presidency ... resulting in the death of all 118 crew - Putin refused to cut short his holiday in Sochi to deal with the crisis. In the eyes of millions - including the world’s media - he had failed in his ...
The fight is by no means over, with the head of the E.U. Commission announcing plans to strengthen Europe’s defense industry and drastically increase military capabilities.
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said on Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin is “dangerous” and “not to be trusted.” “What is your view of Vladimir Putin?”
MOSCOW, Feb 24 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with officials ... The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services told employees on Monday that they were required ...
Fresh possibilities have emerged for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia with a change of power in Washington.