Superman and Lois,” the CW show centering Clark Kent, Lois Lane and their sons, Jonathan and Jordan, has been running since February 2021. While Clark Kent, Lois Lane and Jonathan Kent are all ...
“A Regular Day” was peppered with flashbacks to ClarkKent and Lois Lane’s Daily Planet days, when they were working alongside Jimmy and his sister Janet. At this stage of his life, Clark ...
DJ ClarkKent, a superproducer who helped create hits for artists like Mariah Carey and The Notorious B.I.G., fought a three-year battle with colon cancer. DJ ClarkKent, a superproducer who ...
Last month, Hip-Hop culture was shocked when news of the sudden passing of the legendary DJ ClarkKent was announced. With many of his peers paying homage in the following days, NBA legend ...
The latter half of the final season has kicked off. Because Luthor wouldn’t give up exacting revenge on Lois Lane, his daughter Elizabeth, played by Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. alum Elizabeth ...